Training tip: Keep your workouts short and intense for increased Testosterone production!

Unless you´re  a powerlifter, your workouts should most of the time not last any longer than an hour.. any longer than that and you´re building friendship, not muscles. The gym is a place to work out, not to chat.

If you however spend more than an hour at the gym and actually training, be careful that you might actually lower your testosterone production!

It is true that demanding resistance training will increase your natural testosterone production and the more testosterone you produce, it will be easier for you build muscle, hence testosterone is a muscle-building hormone.

But the amount increased testosterone is up to the amount of how much muscle mass was stimulated,the intensity and the training load.

That means that you will produce more testosterone by doing multi-joint exercises that stimulate more muscle mass than isolation exercises. For example squats and pull-ups would be more effective than leg extension and bicep curls.

To low volume of resistance training will not stimulate testosterone production the same way as higher training volume and at higher intensity. But that does not mean that you should spend two hours at the gym hammering yourself with 10-12 sets of every exercise just to try to increase your testosterone levels, because what research also suggests is that even though high volume and high intensity strength training will increase your levels of testosterone, those levels will quickly drop after about 45-60 minutes, depending on the intensity.

So for mass gaining purposes you want to keep your workouts short or around 45-60 minutes, but when training for maximum strength you can keep your workouts for a little while longer since your rest periods between sets are longer and the volume and intensity is different.




Posted on April 2, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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